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Are Eyeglasses and Contact Lens Prescriptions the Same?

Close up of someone's hands holding a contact lens and a contact lens case.

If you’ve ever wondered whether eyeglass and contact lens prescriptions are the same, you’re not alone. This is actually a common question! While both contact lens and glasses prescriptions aim to improve vision, they can’t be used interchangeably. Let’s have a closer look at what this means. What Goes into a Prescription for Glasses? Glasses […]

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What Are Toric Contact Lenses?

Contact lens on index finger and a lens storage case, over white background.

If you have astigmatism, you may have heard of toric contact lenses as a corrective option. Toric lenses are specially designed to correct the unique visual challenges associated with this condition. In short, toric contact lenses are specially shaped to correct astigmatism by focusing light correctly on the retina. Here at Eclectic Eyewear, our comprehensive […]

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FAQ: Computer Vision Syndrome

What is computer vision syndrome? Computer vision syndrome, or CVS, is the discomfort or symptoms caused by focusing on a computer or technological device for a long and uninterrupted time. Common symptoms include: Commonly Asked Questions What causes Computer Vision Syndrome? Characters, when read on a computer screen, don’t have the same level of contrast […]

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